Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Cruise Documents, etc.

It has been a while since we cruised and while filling out the documentation I have noticed several changes. When filling out the documents you are now asked to put a photo of yourself on the boarding documents. Of course, you do not have to do this but if you do not, you will be delayed in boarding while they inspect your documents and supposedly take your photo. It is good security I suppose.

Now about entertainment - On the board for this cruise on Cruise Critic I noticed people were making their reservations for the different shows offered. Since these are complementary I didn't really think about booking them ahead. Maybe they only do this on these mega cruise ships? Anyway, it seems to be necessary so we now have those booked. It is nice they have a calendar to keep track of your dining, excursions, shows, etc. However, there are a couple drawbacks; 1) You are unable to book things too close together. If you plan to dine and be finished before the 2 hour window, you are not allowed to book a show for instance, that begins 2 hours after your dining! 2) The printed version of this calendar leaves much to be desired. 

I did struggle making a few different things work. For instance, I could not add our credit card! I called  RCCL and they asked if I was using Windows Explorer - No - Chrome. Apparently they are having issues with compatibility with Chrome and hope to have it fixed soon. Meanwhile, I switched to Windows Explorer to complete the documents. One cannot print luggage tags until 40 days out (or less) so that  is done now too. Check out my fancy luggage tags, which are reusable. You can find in others sizes for other cruise lines as well. No more folding, stapling, and hoping they actually stay intact. All set, I hope! 

My Luggage Tags

Monday, December 12, 2016

Who Knew?

Who knew it would be such an effort to find an RV parking space near Port Everglades? Strange to me as  I can think many people would drive to the port! Anyway, it is set and we  will be at Park By The Ports , which is the first one I found willing to actually book a reservation. There were a few others but we would need to call the day before to see if they had spots. That's not how we prefer to do things.

Then on to book a place for Tony, which was much easier. Lauderdale Pet Lodge seemed to be very much like Elaine's Pet Resort where Tony enjoys a stay from time to time. 

So these reservations are in place and confirmed! 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Harmony of the Seas

We have this cruise aboard the biggest cruise ship in the world. Even if the biggest ships are not our first choice, we thought it would be a nice break from our Road Trip and we are really interested to see such amazing innovations! Take a short video tour of the Harmony of the SeasPlus this article I am saving here to read later. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Largest Ship in the World

That's right, we booked a cruise on the largest ship in the world. One would wonder WHY because we really prefer the smaller cruise ships. However, curiosity got the better of us and we want to check it out. 

Why Choose Harmony of the Seas?
  • Pro: Largest cruise ship in the world offers plenty of choices
  • Con: Can feel crowded and busy, despite clever design to combat congestion
  • Bottom Line: Fantastic ship for families and those looking for great entertainment and activities
Check it out and see for yourselves! Here is a REVIEW from Cruise Critic!

Here are some Aerial Photos it does look amazing!

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Cancelling Again...

Looks like we are having a hard time getting off to sea these days. John is not doing well with his liver disease and we need to cancel this trip. Hopefully, we can make our next planned cruise in January! 

Since beginning this blog we have yet to cruise!!!

Friday, July 29, 2016

Looking Forward

One month from today we will be one day out of Galveston, heading to Costa Maya Mexico, cruising the Gulf of Mexico. Can't wait for this R&R and break from the Central Valley heat! It will still be warm there but just being on the ocean is going to be refreshing. 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Need A Break?

We do! We decided we might as well be hot in the Caribbean instead of hot here in Clovis! We booked cabin #8542. We plan to spend hours on our balcony, read, go to meals, and generally RELAX completely. We booked this through a friend who just became a travel agent. Be sure to contact my friend if you need to book something and need some help. 

Liberty of the Seas Western Caribbean