Friday, January 31, 2025

Two Sea Days

01-30 At Sea: It was a quiet day for us. We played Mexican Train and had dinner with our new friends Paul and Maureen. It was Gala Night so it was time to dress up a bit. From there it was to the casino for a brief stop and then the rest of the night was spent in Billboard Onboard with Gabe and Megan on the pianos. Time to turn the clock back another hour, not fond of that!

01-31 At Sea: We got up early despite turning the clock back, and had a nice breakfast in the dining room. A lot of people will disembark in Singapore tomorrow. We are told over 1000 with HIA package will be getting on tomorrow. That will impact some services, but we probably won’t even notice! We have opted to stay onboard during this transition. The reason for this is the immigration lines, etc. that we want to avoid with disembarking. Thankfully, we don’t need to change cabins, so it is no big deal for us. We played Mexican Train and we spent the evening at Billboard Onboard as it was all request night, and very enjoyable. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

At Sea and Missed Port Jakarta, Indonesia

01-28 Tuesday:  At Sea. Since we went to bed early, we got up in time for breakfast in the dining room. It was nice. We played Mexican Train again and it was Tamarind for dinner. This was a complementary dinner from the Casino manager. It was good but nothing like we hoped. We ordered the extra special wok seared lobster that was an additional $28 each. It was not good. While it was a lovely presentation, the lobster was sickeningly sweet. It was heavily coated with some sort of mixture, but all you could taste was sweet. The coating could not be scraped off, it seemed deep fried on or something. The tempura shrimp and soup were delicious, as was the Yuku cheese cake for dessert. The evening ended with craps, which could have been better, but still fun!

01-29 Wednesday: Jakarta was a missed port today. This is a real shame for the crew. At almost every stop the family of crew members are invited onboard for a nice visit. Today the port was canceled due to weather and the crew awaiting their family are very disappointed. Ipa, one of our cabin stewards will miss his family visit. It is really sad. For us it doesn’t matter that much. We will have an additional day to play Mexican Train.

Instead, our cruising of Krakatoa was moved up to today. There are a lot of statistics about the volcano, which you can find anywhere on line. Of interest is the Anak Krakatau (child of Krakatau) volcano, which is an off spring of the main volcano. Anak Krakatau is a small volcano that formed in the caldera of Krakatoa following its cataclysmic eruption in 1883, which was the deadliest in recorded history with over 36 000 deaths and led to global climactic effects. Anak Krakatau first emerged above the waves in 1930 and reached a pre-collapse height of 327 m above sea level. On 22 December 2018, an eruption led to the collapse of the south-western flank of the volcano, with the resulting landslide generating a tsunami that caused devastation along the nearby coasts of southern Sumatra and west Java. Anak Krakatoa is still active and you could see some smoke or steam coming from it.

At 6p we had a reception for those continuing on the next cruise, a Collector’s Cruise, so we went to that on the Lido deck. Watered down drinks and nuts were served. There was a Chinese Dragon that made an appearance, but hard to see with people mobbing to get their photo taken with it. We got a quick bite in the Lido since we weren’t very hungry, then off to the show. It was supposed to be a really good impersonator but he tried mostly comedy and he wasn’t very funny. We slipped out after the first 15-20 minutes. It pays to sit in the back sometime. The dragon did make another appearance on stage, so that was cute. We played craps with John, Chuck, and Joyce, then off to bed. 

Saturday, January 25, 2025

At Sea and Komodo Island, Indonesia

01-24 Friday: Feeling better today. We had a bottle of Prosecco in our fridge so we ordered a fruit plate and pastries and had breakfast on our balcony. We cruised Batu Tara volcano. Finally, everyone is well enough to make it to Mexican Train today. Most of us still have tender stomachs but the worst of it is gone. We are all still tired so we quit a bit early. Stuart and I had a small bite to eat in the Lido and then back to the cabin for a bit of a rest, which turned into sleeping a couple hours! We weren’t hungry for dinner. Eventually, we went down to the casino. I didn’t last long and came back to watch a movie and go to sleep.

01-25 Saturday: Komodo Island, Indonesia. I have been here before on the World Cruise. June and I saw the dragons. Stuart has no interest, so we stayed onboard. No one in our Mexican Train group got off so we played today, even though it was a port day. Sadly, Diana was sick so she didn’t play; John gave her “an average” score for each round. We spent a little time at Sea View Pool but it was so hot outside, we didn’t last long. It is a beautiful island with lots of green and interesting shaped mountains. Early afternoon was a huge downpour that lasted about 30+ minutes. Forecast is rain for the next few days. We shall see.  

Cellar Master’s Dinner at Pinnacle Grill: Tonight was a very enjoyable and leisurely dinner with tablemates Paul and Maureen Messier. We met them earlier on the cruise as we shared a table with them at the Cellar Master’s Dinner in Canaletto restaurant. We became instant friends. They live in the Sacramento area, and they were also on the 2023 Grand Africa Voyage although we don’t recall having seen them. AND … they are also on this September’s 51-day Hawaii and South Pacific cruise. So even if we don’t see them in California after we get off in Tokyo, we’ll see them on the Zaandam out of San Diego. Cellar Master Bernardo began the dinner activities with a discussion of wines, his background, and an introduction of the evening’s staff. Course one was Roasted Foie Gras on a small pastry and topped with caviar. A colorful blackberry reduction was arrow-shaped pointing to a whole blackberry. Our wine pairing was a delightful Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label Champagne. Second pourings were graciously provided. With each course and wine pairing, Bernardo gave a description of the wine and some its history. The second course was a soup that we all agreed was the best we’d had on the cruise. Paired with a brightly colored California pinot Noir was a Porcini Mushroom soup with Chervil and Artichoke. It was perfect temperature (unlike other soups we’ve had) and had two chicken dumplings along with some crème fraiche. Third course was a salad of fresh greens topped with warm lobster chunks, a truffle vinaigrette, some artichoke, all encircled by some asparagus spear curd. The salad was accompanied by a Grgich Hills Chardonnay, not Sharon’s favorite wine because of being stored in French Oak barrels. The backstory of Grgich Hills is that Grgich came from Croatia, showed skills in winemaking but was unable to buy the necessary land. So, he struck a deal with the Hills Brothers Coffee Company to become partners. Thus, the Grgich Hills name. It was now “Intermezzo” time, with a Tangerine sorbet ball in a flute glass with some sparkling wine; doubtful it was the same Veuve Clicquot. Then the main course of Beef Tenderloin and two seared scallops. We were getting full by now so we didn’t eat much of it. The wine was a Red Blend from Chile. Finally, it was dessert time, and Chocolate Pot Au Crème laced with Grand Marnier and two marshmallows. Not sure what the marshmallows added, but they were there. Our final wine pairing was a full-bodied Port. Overall, it was a very delightful evening, both the dinner and our conversation with Paul and Maureen. The dinner started at 6 PM, and we were the last four to leave the room at about 9:15!

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Darwin, Australia and Sea Day

01-22 Wednesday: Darwin, Australia. I’m not up to going out today, I am better. I am disappointed but I just can’t do it. Stuart went on what was a great tour with Distinctive Voyages that was complementary for us. Chuck and Joyce went too, as well as Raine, so it was nice for all of them. They drove through the city to the Botanical Park, an Art Gallery Museum, then East Point for photos, and finally Wharf One for lunch. It wasn’t really a cooking demo as advertised but still a nice tour. Stuart and Chuck were going to play Craps but the tables are all closed down as Australia waters do not allow gambling.

01-23 Thursday: I am better today, still not 100% but I ate lunch today. It was the Mariner Society lunch for those with 4-5 stars, or some number of stars. Skipped Mexican Train as some are not well enough yet. Lunch was nice. Came back to the cabin to work on my blog and my laptop is all messed up. I am not sure what happened. I am able to find my files on it so I am hoping for the best that I can keep using it and I can have Dan help me get it back together when I get home.  We did have dinner with Paul and Maureen, but that was about it for me today. No energy but at least I am getting better. Stuart went for Craps with the guys (John and Chuck) while I watched a movie and fell asleep. Tomorrow will be a better day with more energy.


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Two Sea Days!

01-20 Monday: At sea today and slept in. We made it to Dive In for burgers before playing Mexican Train. That is always fun. Back to the cabin for a nap and working on my blog and photos. Stuart napped on the balcony, too warm for me!

Tamarind dinner with Raine and Mina tonight for dinner. Stuart wanted to treat them for booking with him. It was good, but not near as good as it was on Zuiderdam. Service was Very slow. It was their first night for this venue so maybe it will improve. Tonight was the Orange Party. This was held on the World Stage. They were able to move out all the seating down low to form a dance floor. We watched that until closing.

01-21 Tuesday: A down day for me, feeling pretty rough. Didn’t leave the cabin. There was no Mexican train today because 3 others are down too! We all ate at Pinnacle Grill…? Common thread but who knows. I hope I am much improved tomorrow because we have a great tour planned in Darwin, Australia.  

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Cairns, Australia and Sea Day

01-18 Saturday: Cairns, Australia. Stuart has stopped coughing and seems to feel just fine. I am glad because we have a great excursion planned: The Kuranda Scenic Railway: Gold Class. It departs: 12:30p. Tour was approximately 4 Hours, which turned out to be 5 hours. (Adult $189.95; Child $169.95) First on the agenda of the day is immigration. We already have our Australian ETA but there must be face to face immigration and everyone needs to disembark, even if you don’t have a tour or choose to get off. We did all of that, which was pretty fast. After that we walked along the Wharf and stopped at Wharf One Café for a bite to eat. We split a Peri Peri chicken sandwich. We are not sure when we might get to eat something else. After a bit more walking around, it was time for our tour. Meeting back by shore excursions, 4 of our friends were also there to go on the same tour. We transferred by air-conditioned coach to Kuranda village, which is a panoramic drive that sets the tone for the great scenery and relaxing atmosphere of the hinterland. We spent 2 hours in charming Kuranda to explore and to shop in the colorful and inviting boutique stores. Stuart bought me a twist fan, which really helped a lot in the heat. We split a meat pie, this one was chicken curry, and very good. We washed that down with a beer. Later I had a popsicle as it is so hot. I did find a postcard but once again, no stamps! About 3:15p we boarded the train, which left at 3:30p. This is a premium, themed Gold-Class carriage on the very famous, and incredibly scenic Kuranda Railway. We traveled through 15 tunnels and over 37 bridges with sheer cliff faces most of the journey. Stuart was by the window and took all the photos, a nice break for me from photo taking. Views included the Coral Sea and across Trinity Bay to Green Island, with Cairns in the foreground surrounded by sugar plantations. A taste of the tropics, local delicacies and accompanying beverages were served on the train. This included a welcome drink of your choice from the menu. This was followed by a little plate of cheese, dried fruit, crackers, and spread. All of it was very good. There was even dessert; Mango Sorbet. Everything was very good and very filling. The only thing that would have made the day better would have been cooler weather. The heat was oppressive. We were pretty tired when we got back at 5:30p, the last “all aboard” time. Of course, they would have waited for us because we were on a ship shore excursion.

After relaxing a bit, showers, and cooling off, we decided to stay in our cabin tonight. We are beat from the heat and not really hungry. We did end up ordering a sandwich to split later in the evening. It was good and plenty to eat. We played Phase 10 and had an early bedtime.

01-19 Sunday: This was the first Sunday Brunch we went to. They only have the brunch if it is a sea day. Instead of a “Tasting Menu” brunch, it was a regular order from the menu brunch. Stuart had Banana’s Foster pancakes and I ordered the Seafood Poutine. The waiter described it and noted how popular and good it was, so I tried it. I did not care for it because it was mostly calamari rings. I asked for the savory mushroom and tarragon crepes and that was much better to me. Since we slept in, we made a quick stop in the casino and still made it to Mexican Train on time. It was a relaxing afternoon resting and playing Rummikub. The heat of yesterday really zaps the energy. We walked along the outside decks for a little while. Today is called cruising the Barrier Reef, but there really isn’t any part of the reef that we see. We might not be looking in the right places. Scenery is pretty. 

Dinner was very good tonight. Stuart had the veal plicata and I had lasagna. There was a nice salad and tasty, hot egg drop soup. Stuart felt it was the best dinner he had so far. We headed to the show after that. Joyce came in to sit with us and mentioned that Chuck was at the craps table. Stuart joined him and Joyce and I enjoyed the show. It was Broadway Boys. They were 4 Broadway actors from different plays putting together enjoyable melodies for the crowd tonight. They did a great job. When the show was over Joyce and I joined Chuck and Stuart to see how they were doing. Both of them were winning, so we didn’t join in as we didn’t want to change the play in any way. Both of them did very well. After they finished there, Chuck and Joyce left and we, unsuccessfully, played a bit of Black Jack. It was the Rolling Stone lounge after that until 11p when they closed up. There is no late-night life on this ship. We played a Rummikub for a bit and then off to bed. 

Friday, January 17, 2025

Conflict Islands and Sea Day

01-16 Thursday: Conflict Islands, Papua New Guinea. Panacesa to be exact. This is a privately-owned chain of islands in the Coral Sea. The island we docked at is uninhabited and the owner opens it up to cruise ships.  It was absolutely gorgeous here. The entire chain of islands is currently listed for sale at $36M! This is another tendered port. We debated not going ashore but decided to go. We were glad we did. Yes, it was hot but we greatly enjoyed floating around in the beautiful, clear water. There were some white fish with black lines swimming around. One bit me on the back of the leg. It was a small fish, not painful, but surprising. We had a few local treats; a tasty meat pie, beer, and coke. I was happy to finally find a postcard, the first one I have seen since leaving Singapore, but disappointed they were out of stamps. I bought it anyway and will try to mail it in Australia. The Conflict Islands are located in a tropical zone, meaning the water temperature will be consistently warm throughout the year. Today it was 85˚F. 

Tonight, we had dinner in the Pinnacle Grill again, a complementary dinner. It was very good. I wanted to try the short ribs, but they are out of some things. I had the Chilean sea bass instead, Stuart had the filet again, Billboard and the casino after that. off to bed.

01-17 Friday: Sea Day. We slept in and ordered room service for lunch. It is a sea day so it was Mexican Train in the afternoon. We got our passports back today because we need them for the port in Australia tomorrow. Stuart played a bit in the casino and I worked on my photos. Tonight we were scheduled to have dinner with Chuck and Joyce Jordan. Stuart has been coughing today, so we switched the dinner to the 21st. We had room service dinner, Phase 10, and off to bed early.


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Rabaul and Kiriwina Island, Papua New Guinea

01-14 Tuesday: Rabaul, Papua New Guinea. Mask Festival on the Volcanic Ash Plains. While the exotic Mask Festival in Rabaul takes place in mid-July each year and gives visitors to East New Britain a chance to witness a wide range of cultural dancing, singing, ritual performance, with a variety of arts and crafts also on display, we saw a mini version of this today. It is very hot with high humidity. In addition to the dancing and singing, we enjoyed some local flavors and coconut water. The food consisted of a roasted banana (with little to no flavor, I think it was a green banana), some sort of greens in sauce, and a piece of chicken in the same sauce. The chicken and greens were tasty. They also served fresh fruit. When we came in, they gave us this woven “purse” with shell money, mango, lychee, and peanuts still in the shell on the stems. These were traded for the coconut water. You didn’t really need to trade them but that was the thought process. We didn’t keep our purses but they were ours to keep if we wanted them.

The money exchange spot on the ship this morning was impacted this morning, so we didn’t get any local currency. Of note, this was not available at home for exchange. They do accept US dollars. We aren’t really in the market for souvenirs anyway, maybe a cold beer, but there was nothing like that available. We have 2 more Papua New Guinea ports, but maybe we will just skip getting currency.

We were back to the ship a little bit past noon. We were really just too hot to eat. We dropped things in the cabin and headed to the Crow’s Nest for a cold drink. There we ran into Tom again, and his sister Rose who is traveling with him. We chatted with them for a bit, then on to a small bite for lunch, and back to the cabin for Rummikub. Dinner was one of the best we have had onboard! We started with coconut shrimp, then a salad, followed by Beef Wellington, and a sugar free lemon chiffon for dessert. We played Black Jack for a little bit but I lost my limit quickly. Stuart played on and then to a slot machine, where I watched. Back to the cabin and off to bed. I tweaked my hip a little bit when getting in the vans yesterday. It is off to bed with a muscle relaxer!

01-15 Wednesday: Today is Kiriwina Island, in Papua New Guinea. There are no tours in this port. It is also a tendered port. We decided not to get off and have a pool day instead. A couple reasons for this: 1) I don’t want to irritate by hip. It is much better and I want it to stay that way. 2) It is very hot, of course, and we were told the only thing to do was go to the beach there. Any way it was a nice day by the pool, lunch, to the cabin, and a special treat tonight with the Wine Cellar Dinner in Canaletto. 

We had such a good time! We sat with another couple Maureen and Paul. They were a delight to chat with. They are from Sacramento. We exchanged numbers and for sure we will stay in touch. These are the first people we have met that their children complain about their traveling. I thought I would never run into another couple with those issues! They were on the Africa cruise, but we never met them on there. They are also going on our South Pacific cruise so that is fun to know. As some other couples were leaving, who were also acquainted with Paul and Maureen, they introduced us. It is a small world, they were all from California, one woman was even born in Vallejo! Stuart gambled a bit, I watched. I have already spent my limit for losing. There was no show tonight, instead a movie we chose not to go to.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia and a day at sea

01-12 Sunday: Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia. Today was a tender port but it went well. Typically, we have breakfast delivered to our cabin. I don’t eat much, just enough to take my morning medications. It is quite hot, no surprise. We walked into town. The only thing open was the market. We looked around there and bought some Pringles and water. We ran into John and Blanche. There is nothing else to see or do, we walked around a bit and then headed back to the ship. We had a small bite of lunch. We don’t want to eat too much because we have Morimoto at Sea tonight for dinner.

 We greatly anticipated the Morimoto dinner tonight. There is only one night that this is offered on this first cruise (29 days). Before dinner we went to the Pinnacle Bar and sat with Garry and Joan from Canada. We had a nice visit with them. They have gone overland from Sydney to Perth on the train. It sounds like quite the adventure, also very expensive. 

Off to dinner now. Initially, the hostess was not there and we stood waiting to be checked in. It is not near as busy as we thought it would be, yet the service, or at least our waiter, was very slow. People came in after us and were served before we were. Our appetizers were the Tori ramen noodle bowl, pork gyoza dumplings, and Morimoto’s fresh tuna pizza. All three if these were good, but nothing spectacular. For our mains I had Angry Lobster Thai Pad and Stuart had the Ishiyaki Buri Bop, which was yellow tail seared in a stone bowl. My lobster tail was a bit over cooked, tiny (4 bites), and lacked flavor. Stuart’s fish was so thinly sliced it just crumbled when he tried to eat it. We had 3 sides, wok seared bok choy, Wasabi mashed potatoes, and house fried rice. The bok choy and mashed potatoes were delicious. It was all “okay” but our expectations were not met for this special evening. I’m not sure we want to try this venue again. It is $95 and a bit disappointing.

(Photos on Facebook)

We played for a short time in the casino, then on to Rolling Stone Lounge, back to the cabin to play cribbage, then off to bed. We turned the clock forward another hour tonight.

01-13 Monday: A quiet morning, feeling tired from that hour ahead. We opted for lunch in the dining room. Our drink order took 20 minutes to get to us, and they forgot Stuart’s drink. When his burger arrived after 30 minutes, the burger was raw in the middle. Needless to say, he was not happy. I will say the dining experiences on this ship compared to the Zuiderdam is greatly lacking. It’s odd when people arrive after you do and they get served first, even the same dishes were ordered. It is weird. After that we played Mexican Train and that was a lot of fun.

The afternoon was spent relaxing and playing games. We had dinner in the dining room and listened to the music in Billboard Onboard. The show was pretty good with these interpretative dance group with great music and video enhancements. The evening was finished off in the Rolling Stone Lounge.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

At Sea

01-10 Friday: There was a King Neptune Ceremony today when crossing the equator. We didn’t go, it is crowded and we have been to a few of these! We did meet Tom Vassos at the Black Jack table a few nights ago and he stopped by our table at dinner last night. We discovered that he is a speaker. He contracts directly with Holland America for his speaking engagements. We went to his presentation today. It was very good and well done but lasted 90 minutes. That is just too long. He teaches Astronomy at the University of Toronto. Interesting guy. After the presentation we had to rush through a quick lunch in Lido to get to our Mexican Train game on time.

We had a little casino time in the afternoon, then a rest, and off to dinner. I skipped the casino tonight as I am tired. We turned the clock ahead an hour before going to bed.

01-11 Saturday: Slept in, at lunch at Pinnacle Grill followed by playing Mexican Train with our friends. Now it was time for a bit of housekeeping. While we do have free laundry, I don’t want to send things that I don’t want going through the dryer process.

Tonight, we chose the dining room, we sat with Peter and Barbara from Vancouver. They were an interesting couple. He was born in Amsterdam and she in Munich. We had some interesting travel conversations. It always takes longer when you share a table, but we were in no hurry. Casino, Billboard Onboard, and Rolling Stone Lounge completed our restful day.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Bitung, Indonesia

01-08 Wednesday: Today we are sailing in the Celebes Sea. This is the day to do a few things in the cabin. After that it was a quick lunch at Dive In where we met up with Raine and Mina. We were meeting our group for Mexican Train at the Crows Nest. However, it was impacted so we found a table in the Library Café where we played from 1p to 3p and then back to the cabin to play a bit of Rummikub and take a rest. We thought about the pool for a brief moment but it is really hot today. I guess there is less breeze or cloud cover. It is 84˚ with 70% humidity but feels much hotter than yesterday for some reason.

We had dinner at Canaletto tonight. It isn’t a very special venue, just a corner of the Lido deck separated from the rest. Service was pretty good. The food was good, but not great. Seems the food overall on this cruise has been lacking. I’ve had a few tasty dishes but the food here is nothing compared to what we had on the Zuiderdam. Staff is great, but the food lacks flavor.

About onboard activities, there are many: Sunrise Stretch, Coloring for Adults, Game Shows, liquor tasting at various times, ballroom dancing, Art Auctions, Cooking Shows, Pickleball Instructions, Bingo, Coffee with Gage (the cruise director), flower arranging, Arts and Crafts, and more…

01-09 Thursday: Today we are in Bitung, Indonesia. This is a small port without a lot of interesting things. None of the tours appealed to us so we just got off and walked around. It was brutally hot and humid. We walked into town, basically had a cold beer, and walked back. The Starbucks seemed to be a destination for some… really? There were 3-4 places selling gold jewelry on the short walk. Everything else looks very poor. There were a lot of children with little notebooks asking for signatures. I think I heard it was a school project for them. Many locals asked for their photo to be taken with us. I declined but several cruisers accommodated the request. Shortly after we returned to the ship it began to rain. By now we are sitting on the balcony playing Phase 10. The weather is pleasant when protected from the sun, having a slight breeze, and sipping a cold drink. The rain lasted an hour or so. As the rain left in came the thunder and lightning. That also lasted about an hour and was anywhere from 2-15 miles away. A fun experience on the balcony. There are a lot of friendly people here and it was nice to see Holland America let visitors onboard. I am sure some of the crew were thrilled to see some family. As we departed hundreds of people were on the dock waving and such. Captain Zoll really played it up big honking at them on departure. There were a few flying fish to see as well.

We had dinner in the dining room this evening. The one appetizer of Shanghai ribs was very good. Stuart had the fresh seared tuna. We saw this come on board in Puerto Princessa. He enjoyed that. I had sweet and sour roasted duck, but it was overdone and tough, but had good flavor. We skipped the show tonight and joined friends in the casino. I left early because I was tired (even after my afternoon nap!) and I was losing. Until now I have mostly stayed “even” with the bank. Stuart played on and did okay for the day.

(see some photos on Facebook, takes too long to upload here)

Monday, January 6, 2025

At Sea

01-05 Sunday: Today everyone is getting the Philippine entry codes. Ours were fairly easy because we downloaded the app and filled things out first. So many people did not. It is a mess for them. Raine and Mina didn’t do it and they are in the que to have help. We both tried to help them but since they could not get to their email for the confirmation code, it was useless. The rest of our day was filled with games, dinner, and a brief visit to the casino. We ran into another couple from the Africa cruise (Chuck and Joyce). We plan to meet with them tomorrow evening for craps.

We went to the brief Captain’s welcome then on to dinner in the dining room, which was okay. The soups, while delicious on the last HAL cruise leave a little bit to be desired on this cruise. There seems to be no depth of flavor and not served really hot, we will see how it goes from now on.

01-06 Monday: We are cruising in the Sulu Sea at the moment. Breakfast delivered to our cabin again. After that we went down for the Thermal Scan that is required to enter the Philippines. It was sure easy because all we did was walk through the area after getting our cards scanned. It automatically takes our temperature and we were good to go. Stuart talked with Adrianne for a bit and I chatted for a little bit with Jeff. I am so glad we have the internet phone service. From there we went to the Sea View Bar to play Rummikub. It had rained before we got there and before we finished our games it rained again! It was a brief rain and though people left the area, we stayed because it was not much and we wanted to enjoy the breeze, sun, and sea. By noon we headed to the Lido deck and got a few snacks to put in our fridge for later. We went to lunch in the dining room. I had the chicken Korma and it was delicious. It is like a mild curry. I would love to try making this. We saw John, Blanche, Paul, and Diana when leaving the dining room. We are all set up to play Mexican Train the next sea day at 1p, Crows Nest. A quick trip to the casino for some fun, then back to the cabin to catch up on this blog and housekeeping.

Dinner in the dining room and on to the World Stage for the show tonight. It was a techno light show with dance by Step One Dance Company, called Humanity. Actually, it was quite good. After that we met friends in the casino to play craps. That was going pretty well (Stuart, John, Chuck, Joyce, me) when I started to feel very light headed. I only had 1 wine with dinner and crème de menthe at the show. I had to leave the table and sit down. When I didn’t improve, Stuart cashed in my chips for me and took me back to the cabin. I felt fine after lying down for a while. I’m not sure just what happened!


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Singapore and Beyond

01-03 Friday: We woke up pretty early considering. It was great to be horizontal and I slept really well. After getting a bit organized, we headed out to the Zhongshan Mall that is attached to our hotel. I cannot find my back pain medicine; I was sure I packed it. I also don’t have my sunglasses (they are the kind that fit over my regular glasses) so I want to find those things if possible. We found out they don’t even sell ibuprofen over the counter. I did get some Aleve. Hopefully, I will find my Rx when we unpack everything onboard tomorrow. I found some wonderful glasses that are even better than the Cocoons I have at home! The Zhongshan Mall has many shops with loads of items we see at home. There is also a food court. We decided on a Claypot, chicken for Stuart and pork ribs for me with a side of white rice. Mine was so tender and delicious, Stuart’s had good flavor but a lot of small bones in the cut-up chicken. We had “iced tea” which was really good too. They prep it by putting ice in the glass, pour hot tea over that, and I guess add a little milk. Anyway, it was cool and refreshing. We walked around the mall for a bit and outside to a shrine of sorts right near the hotel. It is getting cloudy this afternoon; we had sun this morning. It is warm and humid.

Tonight, we went to the Singapore Flyer for the 165 Dining Experience. We struggled making the reservation from home and did not get it completed until after arrival here. The car ride there was strange with a driver who pressed the gas in an odd way. After we made it to the flyer, it started pouring down rain. That hampered the view a little bit but it was still very enjoyable. It was a great experience with amazing food and views. (photos on FB) 

01-04 Saturday:  We got up and packed for departure. We had a delicious breakfast down stairs. Stuart walked across to the East wing and got a Grab for Raine and Mina to take them to the port. We followed shortly thereafter. We were in our cabin 1.5 hours after leaving the hotel, 25-minute drive and all. It was very fast to board. We saw Raine, Mina, John, and Blanche all standing in a long line. They made the mistake of not getting their Australian ETA and had to do this before getting on board. After we dropped our carry on we went to lunch. We didn’t eat much as we plan dinner in the Pinnacle Grill. We ran into Raine and Mina for a chat and sent a photo off to June. Next was a stop at the Sea View Bar. It is pretty humid and warm outside, but not unbearable when just relaxing. The A/C in our cabin works very well. 

Dinner in the Pinnacle Grill was delicious. Unfortunately, our filets were rare instead of med/rare. Stuart did send his back, which helped a little bit. I had asked for a half portion so it was not quite as rare. Sides were delicious and they had some croissant type roll that was amazing.

From there we went to the casino where we saw Vuvu from the Africa cruise. She is the only casino staff onboard now from that cruise. We just sat down to play when John walked up. A nice reunion and we all played together for a while. We both left with more than we started with, so that was a plus. While sitting at the Black Jack table we could listen to the music at the Billboard Onboard. We moved over to sit in that area after the casino. It was pretty early (10p) but things were pretty much shut down. We were surprised. Oh well, off to bed. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Off to Singapore

12-31 Tuesday: We left Fresno a bit late. We had to get a replacement plane. However, we got to the Aloft hotel in SF in time for Stuart to watch the Boise State game. We enjoyed some snacks and drinks in the bar. We did NOT stay up until midnight. The last few days have been grueling and we face a very long flight tomorrow.

01-01-2025      Wednesday:  We were up and off to the airport by 8a. We went to the United Club and had a small breakfast then on to our gate. We have already met at least 3 couples on our same cruise. Also met a nice young couple Max and Nichole with their new little baby girl Isla. They are from the US, but she was born in Singapore. They are taking a one month visit to her family so they can meet the baby! We kept bumping into them at every turn and did exchange information.

01-02 Thursday: The flight was long and grueling as expected, but we are here and sound to our hotel. It was a nonstop flight so right around 17 hours flight time. No Uber here but they have Grab, which is the same concept, probably cheaper. Stuart said it seemed cheaper than a taxi he took 20 years ago. We went to the bar for a glass of wine and snacks, but the only snacks still available were little munchies. That’s okay because we were fed on the plane. Shower and bed. Tomorrow we will explore a little bit.