Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Two Days At Sea

02-17 At Sea: Rough seas with some rain and wind. We slept in and went to Dive In for lunch, then quickly on to Mexican Train. As the day went on, we did see sun!  We had an early dinner in Pinnacle with Paul and Maureen tonight. It was a 4+ hour dinner, we do have fun chatting!

We secured our QR code entry card required for the Philippines on the 19th. Stuart also spoke with Shore Excursions today about our tour yesterday. We don’t expect anything for ourselves but hopefully others in the future will avoid the somewhat disappointing day.

02-18 At Sea Monday: We slept in after another late night. There was an announcement that everyone immediately needed to get to the thermal scan required by the Philippines. I hopped out of bed and made it before they started to call names of those who didn’t show up yet! We had a French Dip sandwich in the dining room for lunch and then on to play Mexican Train. We have 3 port days ahead of us so we won’t be doing that again soon. It was fun. We came back to the cabin and decided to play Rummikub on the balcony. Oh my, the weather has changed! Time to pull out the summer clothing again! Another nice dinner and visit to the casino.

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