Saturday, October 19, 2019

Day 21-22 October 18-19

Friday, Oct 18: One more sea day until Auckland. At least 1/3 of the ship is disembarking at this port and new passengers will be boarding to take their place. Tonight we had a Captain's Farewell Party for those disembarking.

The Captain

Saturday, Oct 19: New Zealand Ship Excursion. Waiheke Island & Wineries is our 5-hour tour for today. This tour was a nice introduction to this charming island. We woke to sprinkles, then sun, then wind, then sprinkles and sun again - So one can see the weather changes quickly around here. It was a quick walk from the ship to the ferry pier, the ride to Waiheki Island was about 40 minutes. Waiheki is a blend of farmland, low and sort of tropical forests, sandy beaches, vineyards, olive groves, and quaint little villages. About 8K people live on Waiheki. Our first stop was at Onetangi Beach and a little café called Charlie Farley's, where we consumed a scrumptious, warm-from-the-oven scones and tasty tea. By now the sun was out and we had such lovely views of the beach. From this stop we head on to one of two wineries for wine tasting. The first was Stoneyridge. We had two tastes and neither were impressive. They also sell olive oil and we had a taste of that as well. A brief walk through the olive orchard and small vineyard completed the tour. Next was Batch or Bach (both pronounced the same) and these wines were very appealing. I will add these wineries are quite small, 17 and 11 acres respectively. We made it back with a few minutes to get on the ferry and the harbor in Auckland. We briefly explored the Historic Ferry Building, which now houses restaurants. The number of stairs and the bus steps did me in today for some reason. We relaxed the rest of the day but very much enjoyed departing port with interesting views and antics from one particular tug boat.

The Captain announced today that the Napier stop Oct 21, and cruising of the Marlborough Sound on Oct 22, due to inclement weather in the Tasman Sea. We were to go south of New Zealand and then to Sydney but now we will go north of New Zealand to Sydney, those plans have been thwarted. We will have an alternative tendered port stop at Bay of Islands. They are working up possible tours for the ship and we will be alerted to these soon. We are told we will still have some rough, but not perilous, seas when we cross the Tasman Sea to Sydney, north we will avoid the worst of it. It is disappointing we will miss cruising between the two main islands that  from New Zealand.

Onetangi Beach, Waiheki Island 
Leaving Auckland

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