Thursday, June 20, 2024

At Sea June 20

Today was a busy day at sea. Stuart spoke in the morning and then again from the bridge when going through the Dardanelles. In between his lecture and that we also attended the lectures of the two other speakers. Nice men, Bob and Michael. Bob joined Stuart on the bridge for additional information on the Dardanells Strait. It was brodcast live from the bridge to all open areas of the ship and also on the bridge cam on TV. There is quite a history. On 19 February 1915, British and French ships began a naval assault on the Dardanelles. The fighting culminated in a heavy setback for the Allies on 18 March due to large losses from Turkish mines. Military landings on the Gallipoli peninsula followed on 25 April. If you want to read about check out this LINK.

At 6p there was a Captain's Reception that we attended in the Starlight Club. After that it was dinner and the show. A lovely but very busy day on board, especially for Stuart. 

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